When a tooth is damaged or broken dentists fix it with crowns, fillings, or other treatments. However, sometimes the damage may be too extensive, and the tooth has to be extracted. We provide state of the art tooth extraction services in Manchester, NH. Our experienced dentists perform all required procedures professionally, and with passion. If you’re having trouble with your teeth, please call us or send us a message through our website.
Reasons for teeth extraction
- People receiving cancer treatment often need teeth/tooth extraction after their teeth become infected. The infections are caused by the weakened immune system from cancer treatment.
- Wisdom teeth often have to be extracted if they cause pain, have cysts, or are decayed.
- People with braces may need a tooth extraction for teeth alignment.
- Baby teeth may not fall out in time for the growth of new teeth. The stubborn tooth needs extraction.
- Teeth that prevent the growth of other teeth sometimes require extraction.
- When a person undergoes an organ transplant, their immune systems can suffer. A decayed tooth could cause an infection in the patient. Therefore, the deteriorated tooth is extracted before the transplant.
- Teeth blocking the radiation field of a person receiving treatment in the head or neck will also be extracted.
The Tooth Extraction Process
Our specialist may take an x-ray observation of the problematic area. It is very important to give the dentist or dental surgeon your full medical history, including any medication or supplements you are using. This information will assist in selecting the most suitable anesthetic to use and when to schedule the procedure. The doctor should also be notified of any health changes before the process, even a common cold.
On the Day of the Procedure
Although not mandatory for adults, a friend or relative can accompany the patient after the procedure. Smoking is also discouraged on that day as it may cause a painful condition known as dry socket.
After the Procedure
After the removal, the doctor will give you toothcare instructions. Ask the specialist any questions or concerns before you go home, and let them address any fears you may have. The doctor is also likely to give you pain medication. Take some before the anesthetic wears off and continue taking as needed.
You may use an ice pack to bring down the swelling after every 20 minutes. Soft food is recommended as it is easier to chew until the discomfort goes away.
The Risks
Like all other invasive procedures, tooth extraction has risks. They include:
- A fractured jaw. It may happen to older people with a thinning jawbone. The fracture could be caused by the pressure to the jaw bone during extraction.
- Damage to a nearby tooth.
- An incomplete extraction, where the root may remain in the jaw.
Contact our office if you have any questions or if you would like to schedule an appointment.

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